Okay this is TOTALLY for fun! I was goofing off on the internet while I was waiting for the kids to get up from naps (I didn't want to get into another project as I anticipated they'd be up soon and we would be leaving). Anyway, I got to looking at the old wives tales about determining the sex of your unborn baby!
Did you know there is a 700 year old Chinese Calendar that is said to be 99% accurate in determining the sex of your baby! Some even use it to try to select the sex of their babies! I looked it up and tested it out with Abigail and Nathan, a few of the cousins, and my sister and I and of the 7 that I tried it was only wrong with one of them! AND if it is accurate it says we will be having a GIRL not a boy! Interesting huh?
I also looked at a few of the other wives tales too...all the ones that I tried or looked at indicated a girl over a boy! I called Marion and said maybe we should be looking at rethinking what we have been calling the baby! HAHAHAHA!
Here is the chart just for the fun of it...let me know if you back track it and what the proof is:
Instagram Feed
Since most of my updating is done via Instagram these days I thought I'd add a section that links to my feed. Click on any of the pictures to get an enlarged version. I hope you enjoy the pics:
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Our New Floor
Yep...it is Finished and we love it! I personally don't think the pictures do it justice but that is okay...you all can come visit and then see it in person if you'd like!
I didn't get any pictures of them tearing up the old floor so I just threw in a picture of the old floor here with Nathan in it so you can be reminded of what it looked like at first:

Here is when they had all the old floor tore up...it had tons of staples that they had to pull and then it had what they call an old poured floor underneath with gold specks in it. They didn't do anything to this floor they just overlayed the new floor on top!

Here is when they had all the under floor layed and were just starting on the main flooring. They put this glue down and then had to wait for 30-60 minutes for it to cure then they placed the tiles on and away they went.

Here it is all done! The guys were very helpful and moved all my appliances back in for me. I tried to get a picture of them but
they refused!
I didn't get any pictures of them tearing up the old floor so I just threw in a picture of the old floor here with Nathan in it so you can be reminded of what it looked like at first:

Here is when they had all the old floor tore up...it had tons of staples that they had to pull and then it had what they call an old poured floor underneath with gold specks in it. They didn't do anything to this floor they just overlayed the new floor on top!

Here is when they had all the under floor layed and were just starting on the main flooring. They put this glue down and then had to wait for 30-60 minutes for it to cure then they placed the tiles on and away they went.

Here it is all done! The guys were very helpful and moved all my appliances back in for me. I tried to get a picture of them but

Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Christmas Presents....Check!
I know....several of you will roll your eyes at me and groan but I have been working hard at getting those Christmas presents all done!
The main ones I was working on were the two bedspreads for the kids. I made them each a denim bedspread. Nathan's is Red Tractor and denim (thanks to Grandma Schlatter's red tractor stash) and Abigails is Precious Moments with purple and denim. Anyway, they are both done now and put away for Christmas.
This year we will be celebrating Christmas with the Schlatter's at Thanksgiving so I have to be a bit more on the ball with them anyway! I think we have everything but two and I just have to order those...I know what I am getting though! On the Sister's side (that is what I call Christmas with my sister's family because I couldn't figure out what else to call it) I still have several to figure out...but that won't be until December so I have a bit more time.
I have been working on my Christmas cards as I am making them this year. I found a really neat stamping set from STAMPIN UP and so I decided to try it .... I don't know what I was thinking especially since we will be having a baby's annoucement coming just a month later...but it has been fun working on them none the less!
Well, that is my Christmas update! They are coming to do my new floor tomorrow so I will try to get some pictures and update you on that when they are all done!
The main ones I was working on were the two bedspreads for the kids. I made them each a denim bedspread. Nathan's is Red Tractor and denim (thanks to Grandma Schlatter's red tractor stash) and Abigails is Precious Moments with purple and denim. Anyway, they are both done now and put away for Christmas.
This year we will be celebrating Christmas with the Schlatter's at Thanksgiving so I have to be a bit more on the ball with them anyway! I think we have everything but two and I just have to order those...I know what I am getting though! On the Sister's side (that is what I call Christmas with my sister's family because I couldn't figure out what else to call it) I still have several to figure out...but that won't be until December so I have a bit more time.
I have been working on my Christmas cards as I am making them this year. I found a really neat stamping set from STAMPIN UP and so I decided to try it .... I don't know what I was thinking especially since we will be having a baby's annoucement coming just a month later...but it has been fun working on them none the less!
Well, that is my Christmas update! They are coming to do my new floor tomorrow so I will try to get some pictures and update you on that when they are all done!
Baby News Update
Okay, well I know it is about a week later then the 16th date, but hey, I am at least updating right!
Everything with the ultrasound went well as far as we know. The technician (Penny) didn't see anything that brought alarm to her which was good but we'll see what the "official" word is when I go back on the 7th for my 28 week check up. I assume it can't be bad or they would have called me back in by now!
Anyway, the baby's head, stomach and leg all agreed with the 25 week measurements. And there didn't seem to be anything abnormal with my fluid. The uterine fibroid that was a potential at the 13 week check up was no where in sight if that was even what it was! Penny said she didn't see anything obviously causing a large measurement and YES..she only saw ONE baby!
As far as the sex of the baby, we tried to find out what it was and because she is more on the cautious side of things would only give us a 65% certainty that the baby was a boy...she said "either you have a very well endowed little girl or you have a boy". My uneducated eyes at one point saw the same thing she did which really looked like the main boy part, but we couldn't get a clear picture of that so she wouldn't raise her percentage!
After reporting all this to Marion, he said he'd go with the boy "diagnosis" and then be surprised if we turn up with a girl!
So with a boy on the way that would make 5 boys and 3 girls on the Schlatter side and 4 boys and 2 girls on my side! The girls seem to be getting out numbered rather quickly! We'll keep you posted if we find anything else out! We are looking at between the 14th and 25th for a delivery date but nothing is set yet of course...
Everything with the ultrasound went well as far as we know. The technician (Penny) didn't see anything that brought alarm to her which was good but we'll see what the "official" word is when I go back on the 7th for my 28 week check up. I assume it can't be bad or they would have called me back in by now!
Anyway, the baby's head, stomach and leg all agreed with the 25 week measurements. And there didn't seem to be anything abnormal with my fluid. The uterine fibroid that was a potential at the 13 week check up was no where in sight if that was even what it was! Penny said she didn't see anything obviously causing a large measurement and YES..she only saw ONE baby!
As far as the sex of the baby, we tried to find out what it was and because she is more on the cautious side of things would only give us a 65% certainty that the baby was a boy...she said "either you have a very well endowed little girl or you have a boy". My uneducated eyes at one point saw the same thing she did which really looked like the main boy part, but we couldn't get a clear picture of that so she wouldn't raise her percentage!
After reporting all this to Marion, he said he'd go with the boy "diagnosis" and then be surprised if we turn up with a girl!
So with a boy on the way that would make 5 boys and 3 girls on the Schlatter side and 4 boys and 2 girls on my side! The girls seem to be getting out numbered rather quickly! We'll keep you posted if we find anything else out! We are looking at between the 14th and 25th for a delivery date but nothing is set yet of course...
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Abi's New Due and Her Stylin Outfit
Okay, I couldn't leave Abigail out of our most recent posting updates so here she is with her new hair due...it really changes her appearance.

She has really gotten into wanting to dress herself and be all "pretty". This was one of those outfits that we worked together on and I think she is adorable...though I am prejudice! I told Marion we are in SO much trouble when she grows up!

She has really gotten into wanting to dress herself and be all "pretty". This was one of those outfits that we worked together on and I think she is adorable...though I am prejudice! I told Marion we are in SO much trouble when she grows up!

Saturday, October 13, 2007
Nathan~Tyler Comparison
Friday, October 12, 2007
Nathan's 2nd Birthday
Well our little boy is TWO~
His birthday was on a Saturday this year and unfortunately it was a very BUSY Saturday with the Lebanon Celebration and Antiquities Fundraiser for MOPS so we were very busy. However, Aunt Roxanne and cousins Kim, AJ, and Tyler came down Friday to take Antiquities pictures so we were able to have a little fun and celebration on Friday night!
I made Nathan a tracto cake...RED of course!

Here is Nathan with his cake and two candles. He couldn't really blow them out very well so Daddy helped him do that! (see next picture)

Here is the crew eating cake...Tyler didn't make it into the picture...I don't know where he was, but Nathan and him really look like brothers! In fact I just had someone see a picture of Tyler as a baby and thought it was Nathan! Amazing how that works!

I'll post some more pictures...
His birthday was on a Saturday this year and unfortunately it was a very BUSY Saturday with the Lebanon Celebration and Antiquities Fundraiser for MOPS so we were very busy. However, Aunt Roxanne and cousins Kim, AJ, and Tyler came down Friday to take Antiquities pictures so we were able to have a little fun and celebration on Friday night!
I made Nathan a tracto cake...RED of course!

Here is Nathan with his cake and two candles. He couldn't really blow them out very well so Daddy helped him do that! (see next picture)

Here is the crew eating cake...Tyler didn't make it into the picture...I don't know where he was, but Nathan and him really look like brothers! In fact I just had someone see a picture of Tyler as a baby and thought it was Nathan! Amazing how that works!

I'll post some more pictures...
Nathan's 2nd Birthday Continued
Here are some pictures of Nathan opening his presents on Friday night with the cousins here! He had a great time, though I think it may have been a bit overwhelming at times too.

Here is Nathan with Grandpa Schlatter the next morning loading the 300 tractor onto the trailer to take it into town for the parade. Nathan got to ride with Poppy in the parade (see next picture).

Here is Nathan with Grandpa Schlatter the next morning loading the 300 tractor onto the trailer to take it into town for the parade. Nathan got to ride with Poppy in the parade (see next picture).

Thursday, October 11, 2007
Baby News
Well, we have baby news...or at least the start of baby news...I had my 24 week check up yesterday and everything is going very well. Ihad to have my gestational diabetes screening and we pray that comes back normal.
The baby's heart rate was right there at 150 but that doesn't tell us anything because both Abi and Nate's heart rates were right there in the 150s as well. My blood pressure is staying low so far and doing well in that regard...I have ranged from 120/60 to 110/70 this last time. But it hasn't gone higher then that! And my weight is doing really well. According to the dr.s scales I have only gained 9 lbs so far!
So you may be asking what the news is...well...the big news is that I am measuring big...5 cm big which is like the equivalent of 5 weeks difference...you are supposed to be 1 cm per week and I am at 29 1/2 when I should have been 24 1/2! The dr said that if it would have just been 26 or even 27 he would have just thought it was extra fluid like with Nathan but 29 is quite a bit different and wants to have another ultrasound so we go in for that on Tuesday the 16th! I'll try to let you know what happens with that!
I guess Marion and I are just excited at the opportunity to find out what we are having this time around. Marion has always been against that idea with the other two but this time around he is actually excited to find out and has been saying for quite awhile that the dr just HAS to let us have another one so that we can find out! So we'll see if the baby cooperates and if so, we'll know!
We do have a boys name picked out and solidified between us and we are pretty sure about our girls name though we could still change that one if we find something we like better! Though I don't know if Marion wants to share that information or not, so I'll have to ask him before I spill the beans there~
Well, that about covers it for the baby news. If we find anything out on Tuesday that I can share, I'll sure put in a post!
The baby's heart rate was right there at 150 but that doesn't tell us anything because both Abi and Nate's heart rates were right there in the 150s as well. My blood pressure is staying low so far and doing well in that regard...I have ranged from 120/60 to 110/70 this last time. But it hasn't gone higher then that! And my weight is doing really well. According to the dr.s scales I have only gained 9 lbs so far!
So you may be asking what the news is...well...the big news is that I am measuring big...5 cm big which is like the equivalent of 5 weeks difference...you are supposed to be 1 cm per week and I am at 29 1/2 when I should have been 24 1/2! The dr said that if it would have just been 26 or even 27 he would have just thought it was extra fluid like with Nathan but 29 is quite a bit different and wants to have another ultrasound so we go in for that on Tuesday the 16th! I'll try to let you know what happens with that!
I guess Marion and I are just excited at the opportunity to find out what we are having this time around. Marion has always been against that idea with the other two but this time around he is actually excited to find out and has been saying for quite awhile that the dr just HAS to let us have another one so that we can find out! So we'll see if the baby cooperates and if so, we'll know!
We do have a boys name picked out and solidified between us and we are pretty sure about our girls name though we could still change that one if we find something we like better! Though I don't know if Marion wants to share that information or not, so I'll have to ask him before I spill the beans there~
Well, that about covers it for the baby news. If we find anything out on Tuesday that I can share, I'll sure put in a post!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Farming Update
Well, the guys are trying to get the wheat drilled but we keep getting rain about once a week which gives them only a day or two of dry ground to get the drilling done. I think we only have about three fields left but we are looking at rain again on Saturday!
We are thankful for the moisture, but it would be nice to get the wheat in too.
They started milo harvest this week but once again with the amount of moisture in the air and the cool days they can only cut from about noon to 7 pm. But it at least allows them to be in the field! I don't know for sure, but I think I heard Marion say the milo crop was doing good this year!
We still have corn in the field to be harvested, but I think that is a low priority for most people as the wheat drilling and milo harvest is a higher priority. We did get the few soy beans that were planted harvested so that was good!
Soon it will be time to work the cows again and wein the calves and get ready for the next round of calving! Amazing how fast time goes by! I just hope it doesn't come down to Marion having me and a cow "calving" at the same time...I think it would be a hard choice :-) (I am just teasing here!)
Well, that is about all I can think of regarding the farm. The garden is basically done, the chickens are still doing well and laying LOTS of eggs...if you need any, let us know! HA!
We are thankful for the moisture, but it would be nice to get the wheat in too.
They started milo harvest this week but once again with the amount of moisture in the air and the cool days they can only cut from about noon to 7 pm. But it at least allows them to be in the field! I don't know for sure, but I think I heard Marion say the milo crop was doing good this year!
We still have corn in the field to be harvested, but I think that is a low priority for most people as the wheat drilling and milo harvest is a higher priority. We did get the few soy beans that were planted harvested so that was good!
Soon it will be time to work the cows again and wein the calves and get ready for the next round of calving! Amazing how fast time goes by! I just hope it doesn't come down to Marion having me and a cow "calving" at the same time...I think it would be a hard choice :-) (I am just teasing here!)
Well, that is about all I can think of regarding the farm. The garden is basically done, the chickens are still doing well and laying LOTS of eggs...if you need any, let us know! HA!
Monday, October 01, 2007
Preschool & Twos
Well let's see what we have for an update on the kiddos....
Abigail has been enjoying preschool...it is just Mommy's Preschool but we go through the big and little letters and we have been trying to learn the larger number from 11-20 but it has been a bit more difficult then we thought so we are taking that slower then before. We are also learning a scripture verse and sign language for the letters we learn just a fun side things. Abigail loves to trace her letters and has gotten really good at several of them. Of course we are only up to letter E this week with a review week every 5 letters.
Other interests of Abigail is BABIES! She has gotten to be quite the mother with her little ones. She plays with her dolls and imitates whatever she can think of feeding, disciplining, teaching, and of course putting them down for naps. She has also picked up on the taking them to the doctor thing which I think is funny since neither her or Nathan have been to the doctor for quite a while!
She also keeps mom on her toes with the smart little comments she makes and the way her conversation has become more formal. The other day I told her we would do something "later" for the second time and she looked me straight in the eye all serious and asked, "Mom, when is later?" No more vague answers for her!
Nathan is TWO and BOY! That pretty much sums up what he has been up to lately! I was concerned about him for awhile that he may be color blind as he ALWAYS said that red was BLUE...very consistently but I have come to believe that he just doesn't know his colors so we have started working on that! His vocabulary has grown remarkably though and even though it is still hard to understand him sometimes, he amazes us with all kinds of talking!
He is definately a boy and loves to play with tractors, trucks, and farmers! However recently I did get a great black mail picture of him wearing only a diaper and necklace...it will be great on one of those slide shows when he gets married! HA! Marion was a little concerned but I told him to not sweat it because he definately is BOY!
He is also a climber! We just moved the kids' rooms around and I told Marion that now that the air conditioner isn't in the window to keep him out, we HAVE to have a windo guard because before we know it, Nathan will be on the roof! So we installed that today! Mommy feels much better about that! You wouldn't believe some of the place he has gotten himself!
Well, I think that about sums up the update with the kiddos! We will be taking Antiquities pictures later this month and I am hoping that we can get a package for their 3 yr and 2 yr pictures but we will just have to see how expensive that all is! We have been talking about that long lost family picture we were supposed to be taking but Marion really wants to wait until the baby is born for all of us to be together. The last one we took was when Nathan was dedicated in 2005! So, we are overdue on that! Oh well, we'll take what we can get!
Abigail has been enjoying preschool...it is just Mommy's Preschool but we go through the big and little letters and we have been trying to learn the larger number from 11-20 but it has been a bit more difficult then we thought so we are taking that slower then before. We are also learning a scripture verse and sign language for the letters we learn just a fun side things. Abigail loves to trace her letters and has gotten really good at several of them. Of course we are only up to letter E this week with a review week every 5 letters.
Other interests of Abigail is BABIES! She has gotten to be quite the mother with her little ones. She plays with her dolls and imitates whatever she can think of feeding, disciplining, teaching, and of course putting them down for naps. She has also picked up on the taking them to the doctor thing which I think is funny since neither her or Nathan have been to the doctor for quite a while!
She also keeps mom on her toes with the smart little comments she makes and the way her conversation has become more formal. The other day I told her we would do something "later" for the second time and she looked me straight in the eye all serious and asked, "Mom, when is later?" No more vague answers for her!
Nathan is TWO and BOY! That pretty much sums up what he has been up to lately! I was concerned about him for awhile that he may be color blind as he ALWAYS said that red was BLUE...very consistently but I have come to believe that he just doesn't know his colors so we have started working on that! His vocabulary has grown remarkably though and even though it is still hard to understand him sometimes, he amazes us with all kinds of talking!
He is definately a boy and loves to play with tractors, trucks, and farmers! However recently I did get a great black mail picture of him wearing only a diaper and necklace...it will be great on one of those slide shows when he gets married! HA! Marion was a little concerned but I told him to not sweat it because he definately is BOY!
He is also a climber! We just moved the kids' rooms around and I told Marion that now that the air conditioner isn't in the window to keep him out, we HAVE to have a windo guard because before we know it, Nathan will be on the roof! So we installed that today! Mommy feels much better about that! You wouldn't believe some of the place he has gotten himself!
Well, I think that about sums up the update with the kiddos! We will be taking Antiquities pictures later this month and I am hoping that we can get a package for their 3 yr and 2 yr pictures but we will just have to see how expensive that all is! We have been talking about that long lost family picture we were supposed to be taking but Marion really wants to wait until the baby is born for all of us to be together. The last one we took was when Nathan was dedicated in 2005! So, we are overdue on that! Oh well, we'll take what we can get!
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