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Monday, February 18, 2008
The dr said he felt Jonathan's case was fairly mild and believed that it was on its way out already however we are to continue the humidifier treatments and the saline treatments to keep the passages clear and if he developes any weasing or if it last more then a two weeks we are to take him back in.
Marion and I got to talking about it and we wondered if we haven't all had it...the kids had coughs and runny noses for about a week and a half to two weeks after Jonathan was born and both Marion and I have had the same symptoms as well. I guess we'll never know about the rest of us....though we do know about Jonathan!
For those of you who don't know about RSV, basically it is a virus in the respirtory area. It has been linked to inflamation of the lungs, asthma, pneumonia, and bronchiolitis...some cases can get severe if the infant stops eating and becomes dehydrated or if the airways become so restricted the child can't get enough air. Those are fairly severe one report we read online it said that it is believed that all children have had it at least once before the age of is a link to Kids Health regarding RSV:
Jonathan is doing very well actually, he does have coughing fits but the dr said his lungs were clear so we just need to weather the storm until he's over it.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Jonathan's Baby Shower
The next few pics are the decorations they did a GREAT job....

This was a BEAUTIFUL cross stitch that was done by one of the hostesses...I just love it!
The picture below is kind of a funny the center you have me laughing with Elizabeth as she hold Jonathan, to the right you have Afftin feeding Lane who was born just 5 days before Jonathan, and to the right you have my sister looking like she's preaching or something but in reality is trying to catch a ball that she was throwing with the kids while waiting for the shower to start. I just think it is a funny pic!
The older kids were just thrilled to open all the presents...Abigail had a definate idea as to which presents should be opened when...they helped and had a great time...they even got several gifts for themselves as siblings...including the books and two little "babies".
This was a special gift from cousin Kimberly...what was even more fun was that Aunt Roxanne had gotten a shirt that says Mommy's Little Boy and given it to him at birth, and then Kimberly bought this one without knowing about the other one, so now he has a shirt for each of us!
Our New Piano

Thursday, February 14, 2008
3 Week Appointment
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Stump Removal
Jonathan has reached yet another milestone in that his umbilical cord stump came off today!
It was actually quite a remarkable thing to me as three days ago it seemed fully attached and I was thinking "this things is NEVER gonna budge" because it was still as solid around as it was when we came home but then almost overnight half the cord just disappeared...seriously...we woke up and I went to swab it and it was half gone...within two days...completely off! And Marion got to witness its departure...which is unusual as well...we had been talking about it so when I told him it was hanging by a thread and would be off in a day or two (Nathan had a thread hanging one too and it stayed on by the thread for like 5 days) he came in to look at it. Well, as I was gently swabbing the rest of the cord to remove the crusties that had built up, off came the cord..I wasn't even touching it...Jonathan kicked and there it went!
I asked Marion if we were gonna keep this one..he said NO...
Friday, February 08, 2008
Our First Big Day Out!
We had MOPS this morning and even though we had everything covered, I still wanted to go just to see my ladies and be apart of the group...they were great to welcome us and we had a great time even with the numbers down. (that is a whole other thread) Nathan fell asleep on one of the MOPPETS laps and though I tried to rouse him he was out so one of my MOPS moms helped me carry him to the van...and Abigail got frustrated with a song that she didn't know and was crying but after a few minutes with Mommy she did better...otherwise, it was a great day and I think we all enjoyed the outing.
The day didn't stop there though...after MOPS we had a quick bit to eat at the park while I fed Jonathan and gave sandwiches to the kids...then we had a few errands to run around town and finally we headed to Grandma Schlatter's for naps. Then Jonathan and Mommy headed back home for a brief moment to gather our tax information and wait for Daddy to join us and off we were to the tax lady to get that all turned in.
Our day finally came to a close once we got back, got the kids and then had dinner with Ann and Larry (Marion's cousin). We hadn't seen them for a very long time and so they came for dinner and a game or two! Have you ever played WHOONU by Cranium? It is a fun and quick game that lets you get to know those that you are playing with...I didn't do so hot at it but it was fun! And it was great to see them again.
I could really tell by 9:30 p.m. that I am not back to 100% yet...after all it has only been 2 weeks...I wouldn't say I overdid, I am just tired and can tell I did more then my usual days at home! I am really looking forward to having the kids home more this is amazing how they can drive you nuts at times and yet you REALLY MISS them when they aren't around! I don't know what we'll do with Abigail for sure as she asks almost non-stop where we are going next...she has gotten so used to going some place each day that I think she'll have some adjustment to staying home with Mommy! And I am having to relearn how to handle my middle son as it seems he has changed so much in two weeks...I actually think he was changing before that I just was too tired and preoccupied to I can see that my old ways of talking and dealing with him just don't work...he really needs more structure and guidance in making choices yet the freedom to be his own little will be fun to walk this balancing line with him...not to mention that Daddy told me the other day that he thinks Nathan's big enough to potty train and that Marion feels it would be best to have it done by March! HA! We will see how that goes!
Well, that about covers it for us right now...we will keep you posted as Jonathan develops, we work with Nathan, and Abigail continues to grow!
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Snow Bunnies
So this afternoon after naps we dressed them up in their snowsuits and boots and let them go out and are a few of the pics I got:

Abigail is really into posing for pictures...

Nate was REALLy happy to be outside!

Monday, February 04, 2008
Pics of Jonathan
Sucking his "thumb"...this is the closest he has gotten so can't really tell in the picture but he really had it in there!

Here is another good one with his eyes open...I know several have stated they have not seen him with his eyes open yet...but he is becoming more and more awake and alert as the days go on...

Here is the crew...they were all together reading! (note Jonathan isn't that happy about the situation...if I remember correctly, it started with Daddy holding Jonathan and then the other kids climbed up to get Daddy's attention too!)

Saturday, February 02, 2008
The Weigh In
7 lbs 8 oz
Marion thought for sure the way he eats he would have gained back his birth weight plus but not quite yet...when we left the hospital he was at 7 lbs 3 oz so he is doing really well.
He also sleeps really good going 4 hours at a stretch for a few nights and then we are back to 2 1/2 hours for a night and then a couple more at 4! I definitely have nothing to complain about with him!
He does seem to spit up quite a bit but we are working on that...I think he like to suck so much that he over eats! We are experimenting with supplementing the pacifier for additional sucking times and seeing if that helps the spit up issue!
All in all, things are going good...the older kids still like him, though they are still spending quite a bit of time at Grandma's still...starting next week they'll spend more time at home...and then we'll see how they are really doing.