Here is the link to watch Ethan and Jonny's program. Ethan was only at the beginning since he's in kindergarten. He is about the 4th from the left in a red/blue plaid shirt.
You will see Jonny towards the top middle during the rest of the program.
Instagram Feed
Since most of my updating is done via Instagram these days I thought I'd add a section that links to my feed. Click on any of the pictures to get an enlarged version. I hope you enjoy the pics:
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
Abi & Nate's Christmas Concert
Here is the link to watch the program online. They both did a great job but Abi did have a trombone duet in the band and a speaking part in the program.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Zachary's Baptism
Zachary was baptized today. We were blessed to have all of the Farmer's family, my sister and my mom here.
We are so very thankful for the three months we have had with him and for the family to share this occasion with us.
Monday, August 10, 2015
Our Newest Family Member
So, I haven't posted for a very long time. But a friend mentioned to me that maybe I should post some pictures of our newest family member. So here's a pic of Zachary Laine born on July 15, 2015.
This picture was taken by Zachary's sister on her new iPod.
Here is Zachary's birth story:
At about 34 weeks I started having what I thought were contractions. Our doctor ran some tests and decided I was very dehydrated. After two weeks of receiving IV fluids I was basically confined to the indoors with air conditioning and drinking a gallon a day to try to stave off the contractions and stay hydrated. It was also about this time that the doctor ordered weekly biophysical non-stress tests. These were to make sure that Zachary was doing ok inside. The weekend before Zachary came I stayed home from church not feeling well having back cramps and just not feeling right. On that Monday I had my weekly biophysical test and told the doctor that I just wasn't feeling well. He tried to encourage me that we just needed to keep baby inside as long as possible and that the longer baby was inside the better off he would be. Tuesday morning came and I went to the grocery store. When I got back I told The Farmer I would not be going to the grocery store again until baby was born because it just was too much. After taking the afternoon to rest and recuperate I went to bed early that night but I just couldn't settle down and go to sleep. About 12:30 a.m. I started having a cramp in my side and I got up to try to walk it out. The more I walked the more intense the cramping became and it was then that I decided this wasn't regular cramping. I went and woke up the Farmer and told him I thought I was in labor. After a short period of time he could see that I was seriously uncomfortable and agreed to call the hospital. We got the boys up and took them over to grandmas house (Abigail was already staying there with her cousin). I was pretty uncomfortable driving into the hospital but even at that neither the Farmer nor I really truly believe we would be having a baby that day. Once at the hospital they put me on the monitor and verified that I was having contractions every 2 to 3 minutes. I wasn't very dilated but I was definitely showing signs of something happening. Unfortunately the signs were not clear that I was progressing in active labor. They tried to start an IV but were having difficulties because once again I was dehydrated. At about three in the morning they decided to send me to Hastings Nebraska. Even as they loaded me into the ambulance neither the Farmer or I truly believed that we would be having a baby. We thought they would give me IVs, monitor me for a while, and send me home with an overactive uterus. However once at Hastings as they were moving me over from the ambulance gurney to the triage bed I felt a small trickle of fluid. I mentioned it to the nurse and she checked me. After a bit of discussion between two of the nurses and the doctor it was confirmed that my water had definitely broke and we would be having a baby that morning! The Farmer and I were in shock but we barely had time to breathe before the room was filled with people and I was swept off to the operating room for a C-section. We had arrived at the Hastings Mary Lanning hospital at 6 AM and by 8:05 Zachary Laine was born! He weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and was 19 1/4 inches long. He did have a little bit of problem breathing as is custom for a boy baby born at 36 1/2 weeks but by the end of the day he was off oxygen and doing really well. We did have to stay in the hospital for six days (a little longer than normal) but we were very thankful that it was not longer. Since then he has had a little problem gaining weight but at two weeks old he was back up to birthweight. We will still have weekly weigh ins for a while just to make sure he is still gaining appropriately.
I won't make promises to post more or to go back and post any previous pictures but at least I did manage to get this post on.
I guess I should mention that as part of Zachary's story, he decided to arrive just as the Smith County fair was starting and his older siblings were very occupied with exhibits and animals. This made it a bit more difficult for the Farmer but with lots of help from Cousin Sheila and Grandma, they made it through. He also arrived the day before Abi's 11th birthday!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015
Jonny's Spring Hat
Our last minute 'spring hat' for #showandtell. It seems all our Wednesday mornings are last minute 😳 #Jonny #picstitch #schoolfun
Friday, March 20, 2015
Sunday, March 08, 2015
2-2-15 A Memorable Trip
As a combined Christmas and birthday present the Farmer wanted to get me a recombinant bike. After doing a lot of research online we thought we found what we wanted in Omaha Nebraska. So I scheduled a trip with my sister to have some sister time and get the bike.
One Friday afternoon in early February, We met on the interstate at Grand Island and headed off to Omaha. We had a great time visiting and doing some shopping on Saturday, and even got to go to the cheesecake factory. However, by the time we left Omaha it had started to snow pretty good. We weren't concerned because the weather said it was only supposed to be an inch.
However by the time we got to Lincoln the snow was really coming down and visibility was not that great plus it was getting dark. So we made the decision to stop overnight and try to start the next day during daylight. Unfortunately, when we woke up it had not snowed 1 inch but five. We still were able to get out and on the interstate driving just a little slower. But we hadn't gone more than 10 miles out of Lincoln when all traffic came to a complete standstill.
The first time we were stopped for two hours. And then we were able to slowly start moving and exited for a potty break and some food. By the time we were done the interstate looked like it was moving freely so we got back on the interstate but after only another 10 or 15 miles we were at a standstill again. It ended up taking us 12 hours to go from Lincoln Nebraska to York where we had to get another hotel and stay another night.
At one point in time I was able to get out and stand in the middle of the interstate because traffic was at a standstill again. Here is what my view was:
Even though our two day trip turned into a four-day trip, it was successful. Here is a picture of my new recombinant bike and the kids enjoying it.
I'm not sure how much I'm going to get to use it with all of them enjoying it so much. Even The Farmer raves about the video feed that takes him into the Rocky Mountains while he bikes along.
Even though it wasn't the trip we had intended I thoroughly enjoyed making the memories and having lots of laughs with my sister.
Jonny's Birthday
Jonny wanted Jiffy Burger for supper so we made a quick trip in to get burgers and fries. Then we enjoyed our family Ninjago cake (sorry I didn't get a pic w the candles in but I'll try to upload the video when I have my laptop later.)
Then he couldn't wait to open his presents so he dug in.
Lego Ninjago with Lloyd and a villain and a sticker book.
He also got a rocket to build for the fair from Gma & Gpa S. And a really neat card with stand up characters and trading cards from Gma M.
He had a great day at school and we finished the night by watching the first part of "The Sound of Music".
Friday, February 13, 2015
Abi's School Valentine 2015
I had the privilege of helping out at Abi's Valentine party. We did this foil craft and I also took a pic of Abi's Valentine that she handed out to her classmates.
I'll try to get a pic of her finished work and update the post later.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Nathan's Class Valentine
Nathan picked to do goldfish with a note that said "I'm glad we're in the same school."
With a crazy schedule this week, he was finishing them before school today.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
Jonny's Valentine's 2015
Here is the class valentine Jonny is taking this year.
We tried to go sweet but healthy. Hoping his friend with diabetes can enjoy a treat too!
Monday, February 09, 2015
Valentine's 2015
We were in Osborne for taxes and the Farmer asked if I had my valentine flowers yet. I said no so he stopped in and bought me these.
I'm beginning to like tax day 😘.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Jonny's 7th Birthday
So, Jonny wanted Ninjago's Green Ninja Lloyd for his 7th birthday. And unfortunately they do not have a lot of party helps for Ninjago's so we had to wing it. What I did find were lots of Ninjago eyes! So, here is the cake we will share after dinner:
And here are the Ninjago cupcakes he will take to school:
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