We started our holiday off on Thursday with church and then lunch at Marianne's. I don't have any pictures of this as I didn't have any batteries in my camera and the ones I had ordered that were supposed to be here didn't arrive until Saturday after Thanksgiving. Anyway, the kids had fun visiting with their cousins, though Nathan didn't eat much ( I don't think he was fully recovered from not feeling well).
Then on Friday we celebrated our Schlatter Christmas as this would be the only time we were all be together before the Christmas holiday. Marianne had made all the kids matching outfit pajamas and they wanted to get their annual grandkids photo...Do you know how hard it is to get seven children all under the age of 6 to smile and look at the camera. I think they finally got one but they had to black out my knee as that was the only way Nathan would sit in the picture. Here is one I "doctored" and thought turned out pretty good.

Then after that was all over, we had the gift exchange and snackies...here are the pictures from that!

Here is a picture of Mark, Karla holding Erik, and Heather with Tucker. None of the pictures I received had Marvin in them. (again, I didn't have my camera there so I am just going off of what was taken that day by others).
Here is a closer picture of the youngest Schlatter to date...Heather realized that this would be the only gathering where Tucker was the youngest...our next time together will probably be after our baby is born.
We left Friday night a little before 8 pm as they started to put the kids to bed. We found out the next day that it was shortly after 8 that people started getting sick and over the course of Saturday I think everyone of the eleven staying at Marianne & Jim's got sick execpt one! I am not sure if the ALL threw up but they all weren't feeling well anyways! It was definately a memorable event for them all. We were banned :-) just to assure we didn't get it again and to assure everyone could rest! We will never know if it was food poisoning or if it was the flu bug but whatever it was...it hit hard and fast...everyone was able to go home on Sunday though my kids were very disappointed they missed out on seeing their cousins again!