The kids absolutely CANNOT wait to get out in it...the only other thing that is pressing on their minds besides playing in the snow is playing with their cousins who are over at Grandmas! However, I don't know that that is going to happen because we wouldn't even be able to get out of the garage to get to the road even if the road WAS plowed...I keep telling Abigail we'll have to see...
I am actually really excited too...I MISS the Michigan snows and I SO wanted snow for Christmas...it looks like even if we don't get anymore snow between now and then that we will at least have some on the ground...Marion is NOT a snow/cold person so he thinks I am crazy but I just think it make Christmas all the more fun with SNOW!
I am hoping there will be enough that maybe the cousins can go sledding when they are here...I'll have to see if Roxanne can fit some sleds in the back of the Tahoe!