Though we anticipated that he'd arrive on the 23rd, we did not expect to go into labor on our own in doing so...but as it turned out I had not been feeling the best earlier that evening and was having a few contractions when we took the kids over to Sharlyn's for the night. When we got back home the contractions were about 6 mintues apart but we'd had so many of them that quit after going to bed that we just headed to bed and didn't think too much about it. At about 2:00 a.m. I woke up after having dreamt I was having contractions that really hurt to realize I wasn't dreaming...after timing them for about 30 minutes I woke Marion up and told him they were coming at about 3 minutes apart and I couldn't get back to sleep because they were getting we called the hospital and they said...come on in...
We arrived at the hospital at about 3:15 am and they started hooking me up to ivs and monitors to try to evaluate if we needed to call in the surgical team or if we could wait until the scheduled ended up that we could wait until the scheduled time...though I had quite a few contractions to bear through until then...
There is more to the story but I won't write it all here...all in all it was a great delivery and recovery has been going very well too...Jonathan is such a blessing and Abi and Nate love him dearly (so far they are just so taken by him) are a few pictures...I may get more posted later but at least you can meet him for the first time!