For several days now we have been trying to build anticipation in this day but for whatever reason (mostly that he was turning 3) Nathan has not been very excited. However he did get more into today as the day wore on...and by the time we did his birthday dinner and party he was pretty excited about it.
This morning he wanted waffles with blueberries and chocolate chips...Mommy struggled with them and finally Daddy took over and they turned out great! Always leave the waffles to MARION..he is really good at them.
He played alot during the day and for his birthday dinner we had hamburgers, tator tots, applesauce, corn on the cob and of course cake and ice cream. He was surprisingly not that interested in eating his cake but he still made a pretty good mess out of that blue Thomas train!
He got some cars from Ben and Erik (Aunt Karla & Uncle Mark) and a square baler from Grandma and Grandpa Schlatter. My mom sent him a pliers holder to go with the tool kit that we got him with the realistic Black and Decker tools.
Overall, I think he enjoyed his day...they played and played. Here are a few pics for you to enjoy: