As far as the walking thing, he is walking around everything holding on has he goes. He had gotten into pushing my roller chairs all over the house so that one time I found one in the far dining room corner. I knew that Grandma Marianne had a Playskool Walk & Stride which is a ride on car that stands up for pushing so I asked if we could borrow that. He gets so excited but doesn't know how to turn it so he just goes wherever it leads him and when he runs into something he is just stuck. When he realizes he can't go any further he just sits down and cries.
He also has just started this whole putting my head on the floor and crying pathetically thing when he is in trouble or doesn't get his way. It is actually quite cute though I am sure after a while it will get old. Well, speaking of the little guy he is getting tired and needs a nap so I better go but here are a couple pics...I have a video but that will have to wait till later: