Yep...those are all pancakes! It was kinda fun to make them and I only had a few that had to be redone. He was very excited about them and didn't want anyone to eat them at first. We had to take a picture of the pancakes in order for Nathan to let anyone have one.
The rest of the day was filled with playing and having fun...nothing too special just little things. He got to pick lunch with some guide from Mommy as he was able to entirely pick his birthday dinner and Mommy wanted a little more balance for lunch...his first pick was a sandwich (preferably cheese) and ice cream. We ended up having salmon patties and mac n cheese!
That night, he got his special birthday dinner of hot dogs and pineapple! Yes, that is all...Daddy ate chili but the kids thoroughly enjoyed their dinner. Then we waited for Grandma and Grandpa Schlatter to come over. (All day long they kept asking when they were coming, surprisingly it was Abi who asked more than Nathan :0)
In that last 30 minutes, Nathan finally demanded "Why did Daddy make Grandma and Grandpa go so far!" Meaning the time was taking too long! Finally, (after a near mishap with the cake and Jonathan) it was time for cake and ice cream...the torture of waiting all day!
Then he started opening the gifts from Mommy and Daddy stating he was going to get a green tractor...Grandpa had to re-educate him on that...we do red...but then Nathan promptly informed Grandpa that if he was going to be a farm he had to have a tractor despite the color!
Marion and I pleased to see how excited he got...I 'll check the video and see if I caught it because it was something we hadn't seen him do before!
Since he LOVES to play in the dirt, we got him several 'durable' toys for outside this next summer...
(I am actually posting this the following day, but I had to tell you what Nathan said this morning...immediately upon waking up he was in the living room playing with his new 'sheenery'...when Abi came down stairs he said, "Abi, I got a 'citing can share my toys."