This year Marion is raising 6 for a family friend who requested some New Hampshire Reds so we have a different breed than our previous Buff Orphaningtons and Americanas! We will see how they turn out in about 6 months!
Marion has been throwing around the idea in his head of getting the incubator from Aunt Sharolyn and trying his hand at some home grown chicks since we have a rooster but I don't know if he will actually do that with the baby and all or not! I'll have to keep you posted if he does!
The kids LOVE the baby chicks and though they have been a source of much temptation for them, we let the kids visit them every day at least once or twice (they are afterall on the porch right now). Nathan and Abigail have grown very brave and can now reach in and pick a chick up with no you can imagine we had to lay down some rules!
Here are some pics of the kids with the baby chicks on the first day: