We were very blessed to have several of our family members joining us for Ethan's baptism. Marion's brother Mark and wife Karla with their kids, Grandma and Grandpa Schlatter, Melanie's sister Roxanne and two of her kids - Kim and Tyler, and Grandma Makey. Though all our family couldn't make it, we greatly enjoyed sharing the day with those that could.
Here is a picture of the pew...Abi is behind Jonny's head and the yellow bag...you can even see Aunt Karla and Cousin B a bit...

Borrowing the idea from Cousin C's baptism a few weeks ago, we had a picture of Ethan displayed on the projector screen during the baptism.

Here we all are up front...
Abi, Nathan and Jonathan sang a music special for Ethan's baptism "Jesus Loves the Little Ones like Me".

Here is a great shot of the actual baptism...

After we ate lunch, Aunt Roxanne brought out the Easter eggs that we didn't get to hunt on Easter...the kids enjoyed finding the eggs...

Grandma Makey enjoying seeing Ethan again after several weeks of being away!

We caught Aunt Roxanne cooing back at Ethan!

Just a happy go lucky little guy...content and satisfied with the day!

A picture of Pastor Pat and our family to remember the day.

Checking out the loot from the egg hunt...


Our Family...all six of us...

Again, we are so very thankful for all who shared in the celebration of this day with us whether you were able to be there physically or not we are thankful for your thoughts, prayers, and support! We are truly a blessed family!