Instagram Feed

Since most of my updating is done via Instagram these days I thought I'd add a section that links to my feed. Click on any of the pictures to get an enlarged version. I hope you enjoy the pics:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

So, I know I am behind on blogging again, and yes, someday I will get caught back up. But today I just have to share a blurb from one of the blogs I've been reading. The website is A Holy Experience. I think she has introduced me to my new mantra for 2012: If it matters, you make the time. If it doesn't, you make excuses! and my new quote for 2012 will be The accom­plish­ment of a day isn’t so much about accom­plish­ing goals but abid­ing in God, and this is the thing that needs remem­ber­ing

Here is the whole blurb. The whole post is good and by clicking the text below you can go to that post, but this is the part that struck me:

If it mat­ters, you make the time.

If it doesn’t, you make excus­es.

Stand­ing in an imper­fect place is just the per­fect place to begin, and every­day offers the hope of Day 1. His mer­cies are new every morn­ing and this is a gift.


And then, at the end of the day, to be done with the day because you’ve done what you could do. The accom­plish­ment of a day isn’t so much about accom­plish­ing goals but abid­ing in God, and this is the thing that needs remem­ber­ing. True, the day may have stum­bled and fall­en, but in Christ we are the saved.

Tomor­row, it will descend like a fresh dew, a fresh snow, and it will come again —  Fresh grace all over again

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