Here are a few miscellaneous pictures that were taken at the fair and an update on how my entries did:
Nathan taking his calf for a drink. |
the kids with the calf |
We let Nathan take the calf over to the 'winners' board to take a picture. |
Abi wanted a turn holding the calf. |
the kitties napping while waiting for the results of the cat show. |
Now, several have asked for an update on the items that I took to the fair, so here it is:
Winner's board - I circled my pictures but because you have indicated you wanted to SEE the pictures...I'll add them below: |
1st Place People, color |
1st Place Building, B&W |
2nd Place People, B&W |
2nd Place Computer Manipulation |
.JPG) |
3rd Place Animals, B&W |
The rest of the pictures received a participation award:
Animal, color |
Building, color |
.JPG) |
Landscape, color |
Landscape, B&W |
Still Life, color |
The only other thing that I entered was my baby booties that I made for Sarah. They got a second place with a note on the back to adjust my tension and I would have gotten a first. I'm still happy with how they turned out!
For our first year of 'really' participating in the fair, I think we had a great time and really enjoyed it. We will have to wait and see what next year brings!!!
Copyright © 2012 All Rights Reserved MMFarmlife - Melanie Schlatter