Each year our church holds a Sunday School Picnic at the end of the summer. To be honest, I'm not sure if it is to get the kids geared up for another year or what, because often times it is more of an end of the year appreciation thing than a lets get ready for thing...but either way...it happen at the end of summer.
I've heard some great stories of how the 'old' picnics were done but over the years its become more of a potluck and social gathering. Since the Farmer teaches Sunday School, he usually tries to find a few activities for the kids to do in honor of 'the old days'.
But this year...this year they went all out. They had face painting, raffle games, count the m&ms, and prizes! It was quite the evening finishing off around 9pm with ice cream sandwiches...the traditional ending!
So, here are a few pictures I took of things going on around the church. They don't have pictures up yet, but I'm told they are going to put some stuff up on the website, so you can check out
www.dispatchcrc.org for more pics if you want.
Abi's butterfly |
playing bowling with pop cans and a beach ball. (it was supposed to be for the little ones, but Abi jumped in to play too) |
Danny's awesome dinosaur! |
the Farmer with is outside fishing game |
the ducky game. |
Shelley getting excited! |
the very little ones loved the duckies. |
Shelley's fishing game... they put the pole over the top and it came back with a prize like a water gun or something. |
I think she had a gift for each of the kids under 10! |
Jonny peaking around the corner while Nathan 'fished'. |
Speaking of fish...here is Jana's fish mask. |
For the grand finale before the ice cream sandwiches, they had a pinata.
Nathan taking a swing at it. |
Jonny's turn. |
Shelley helping. |
Abi's turn. |
She knocked the bum off...and then... |
Holly finished it off! |
My kids were ready with their sacks...I think they took home alot of the loot! |
It was rather funny because more of the adults did the face painting than the kids. I decided to get a matching butterfly to Abi's. Here is a picture we took once we got home:
Mother Daughter matching face paintings! |
Thanks to everyone who put on such a great event! It makes life more fun!
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