For several years now, the Farmer has put the flags out at the Oak Creek Cemetery for Memorial Day. We are always stunned at the beautiful view they make:
Of course, this year we had additional reasons to go to the cemetery. I thought about just buying some plastic yellow roses to put out but then I came up with the idea of placing a hanging yellow rose. I liked the idea of having a 'living' memory of Sarah. My hope is to keep it alive for year after year, but we will see how that goes.
The kids asked to stop by and 'see Sarah' on our way home on Sunday. Here is a picture of the kids:
Here is a picture of the rose and the pink iridescent dragonfly the kids picked to place. And though I didn't ask, I think the pastel heart is from Grandma and Grandpa Schlatter.

Overall we had a good Memorial Day. Our grill died, so we couldn't grill out, but we enjoyed sitting outside on the porch in our new chairs and working in the yard a bit. It was a very windy but beautiful day.
Praying you all had a great Memorial Day as well!
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