We still have some little tasks to complete inside the coop but it is at least ready for the baby chicks. Since I had to go to Smith Center yesterday, Marion decided I could go ahead and pick up the chicks. I got 20 chicks, five each of four different varieties (Aracaunas, New Hampshire Reds, Red Productions, and Buff Orphingtons).
Boy was Nathan excited when he saw those baby chicks! Abigail had gone with Grandma and Grandpa Schlatter to Salina for the evening to visit with Piper and Willow and bring Piper back for a visit so she didn't get to see them right away but Nathan...he was EXCITED. I really wish I would have had the camera then but I didn't so the next morning, I took Abigail and Nathan out to see them and I got pictures that time. I wasn't sure how Abigail would like them but she warmed up to them nicely and wants to stay out there and play with them nonstop.
Anyway, here are the pictures, hope you enjoy them: