Willow was just here and Abigail really enjoyed playing with her. The spent quite a few hours yesterday and then again some this morning. Nathan would have liked to play but he isn't feeling well right now. He woke up yesterday with a runny nose and had a slight fever yesterday before going to bed. He as pretty groggy today still and still has that runny nose. I haven't registered a fever today but his temps were higher then normal. We'll have to keep an eye on him.
He had his ear check up last week and the tube has come out. He still didn't pass the pressure test and the dr said that they would give him a month and if he didn't pass it then, they would put another tube in. So I guess that is pretty big news.
Here are some pictures while I think of what else to say:

Thanks to Aunt Karla, Abigail's new found love is cup bowling in the dining room! You can't see it in the pictures but we put a line that she has to stand on and she loves to roll the balls toward the cups...she sets them up all kinds of ways and tried to knock them down. The biggest challenge is keeping brother out of the way!

Here you can see Nathan "bowling" with his own cups...it is pretty funny to watch him as he just carries the ball to the cups and knocks them down!

Here is another new love of Abigail's the "puter"! I set up a word document with big font and caps and she types and types her letters. It has been very good for her to learn. Although once she got the caps lock off and said it the "a" was broken because she didn't recognize the lower case letters...I guess we'll try to work on those a bit later on.

Here is a great picture of Nathan and Daddy...they were headed out to check cows...boy does Nathan get excited about that...the whole trip he says "Booo" (his form of what a cow says).

And finally here we have my big helper...she really is getting into doing things herself and helping more...she really is a helper for me.