Afterward however, was a different game altogether. He did not like the feeling of that anesthesia at all and he kicked and screamed and thrashed around. Finally, they said we just had to let him go so they walked us out and I buckled him into the car seat. That seemed to calm him down until I got in the car. Then he screamed and screamed. So I got out to go around to where he was to calm him down and when I got out, he calmed down again. I soon figured out that when he saw me he screamed but if he couldn't see me, he would settle down and try to sleep.
The procedure took about 25 minutes for both ears (compared to 15 for the one last time) but we didn't leave Hastings until around 9:30 because he was so upset. But after sleeping for awhile, he was doing much better and is even smiling and playing so what normally. He seems a little off kilter which could be from the anesthsia and the release of the pressure in his ears. I was told it could take but to 48 hours for him to feel normal pressure in his ears.
So, that was our experience. Daddy and Abigail seemed to have a much more normal time as Abi got to play at Grandma's and be her big helper. We sure appreciate having family around!
I still need to get the other pictures posted, but I am really tired as I had to get up at 4:30 this morning in order to get Nate to Hastings in time so I'm going to go take a nap!