Wheat harvest 2009...They started cutting while the kids and I were in Nebraska visiting my mom and sister. The day we got back, we headed straight for the field...this was the first picture of the season:

Here is Daddy in the combine:

Loading the truck:

They were having some difficulties with the fuel filters...here are the kids watching them work:

The kids HAD to help:

Here was supper...I love how they sat biggest to smallest with Grandpa overlooking them...it was not planned that way, just the way it happened:

The kids' first ride...we couldn't all fit in at the same time like in previous years so just Abi and Nate when along this time...I stayed with Jonny:

Everyone on the Combine:
Towards the end of harvest, Jonny and I got to ride. He absolutely loved sitting on Daddy's lap and 'driving' the combine...

We had a great harvest with little difficulties. Marion's brother Mark came up to drive grain cart and help out. The kids loved playing with their cousins. On the next to last day we had what Marion called the 'old fashioned' harvest meal. I'll do another post with those pics.