Usually we go to a Christmas eve service but this year, due to weather pretty much all the services were cancelled. I think Dispatch still had theirs but Marion wasn't really up for driving in the freezing, snowy weather to Dispatch on Christmas Eve! So, we stayed home, sang songs, had snackys and opened our Christmas Eve presents!
Marion said I should have taken a picture of the snacky table...he was impressed that I could come up with such fare on short notice! We ended up having shrimp, crab/spinach spread with crackers, sausage stuffed mushrooms, fish sticks, and cheese and crackers! Plus, we had carmel popcorn and banket (a dutch pastry) for sweet dessert!
Here are some pics of the gift opening: (I started to get a picture of Jonathan opening his present but SOMEONE put fingerprints on my camera while I was off trying to get that cleaned up, he continued to open his present and I missed it...but I did manage to get a pic of him with his blanket after it was opened!)
Mommy's traditional Cherry Pepsi! And Marion got a pot of GOLD...I told him he had to SHARE!! :0)
We had a great time just being together as a family!
(By this time, we had called off the trip to Missouri and though we were saddened by this, we knew in our hearts it was the right decision. The snow was already blowing and was supposed to continue on Christmas Day. The roads that were clear in the morning were gradually becoming partially packed or covered with ice and snow and we just weren't comfortable risking getting stuck or stranded somewhere with three kids and one on the way! Nonetheless...we were happy my mom could still make it and we want to wish Aunt Sharon and Uncle Merlyn a Happy 50th Anniversary celebration!)