Well, even though we were still struggling with our sicknesses, when the snow came we just couldn't stay inside. After only a few days of begging, I decided to bundle the kids and send them out...even if only for a moment.
Here they are all bundled up:

They were so excited. Jonny and Nathan headed out over the snow pile toward the open driveway to roam the snowy land. While Abigail headed straight for the snow drift to make snow angels!

But all the fun came to an end rather quickly for Jonathan who discovered walking in drifts isn't as much fun as it looked...Below you will see the fall, the rescue and the success of the mission:

After this, Jonny came inside. He was done. The other two stayed out and explored quite a bit...going down the snow laden slide, climbing the cellar mountain, and Nathan even got stuck in a snow drift! (Abi thankfully was able to dig him out and all was well!) They had a great time in all the snow!