A few weeks ago, Abigail asked Daddy if there was a way she could earn a little money so that she could go to the store and buy something she wanted. Though we are not big on the idea of teaching our children to be spenders, the idea that she is wanting to earn money was a good one...so Marion started thinking how we could work something out.
It was around this time that he came up with the idea that you can 'earn' money through entering exhibits at the fair. If you place in a category you can earn a small cash reward. Most departments have $3 first place, $2 second place, and $1 third place prizes.
This thought has since snowballed into a massive family wide Fair project. Abigail will be entering eleven...yes 11...photos in the youth division of photography. I have added the photos she will enter below. When we first opened her computer file (the one we dump her camera in when it is full so she can take more) she had over 1100 photos and numerous videos. We were able to whittle that number down to 368 actual keepable photos and then from those 20 that were Fair quality. From the 20 we went through the divisions and picked ones that would fit in various categories and here they are:
Please keep in mind these are taken by a 6-7 year old and are not altered.
Black and White Animal Division |
Colored Animal Division |
Black and White Building Division |
Colored Building Division -
we did crop this picture down closer...still within the rules |
Black and White Landscape Division |
Miscellaneous Division |
Black and White People Division |
Black and White Still Division |
Colored Still Division |
Colored Landscape Division |
.JPG) |
Colored People Division |
In addition to these entries, she will have three baking entries that she is doing with Grandma Schlatter, and hopefully three sewing projects she is doing with Mommy - if we get them done. I'll try to post pictures of those if I get a chance to take them.
Here is a picture of Abi's first attempt at a potholder. She has made these before with a slightly different pattern. This one has a third fabric that you create a 'peek' hole to see.
Front side with peek a boo center. |
Back side - you can see we didn't quite make a square with our quilting. |
We will probably try making a few more of these to see if we can get it a bit better for the fair. I truly walked her through the steps but let her 'do' it all. I wanted it to be truly hers! So...if you are family...you can probably expect a potholder for Christmas! (hehehehe)
In addition to these entries, Nathan will be taking a Bucket Calf and Pullet Chicken. Jonny will be taking a kitten, and Mommy will be taking some photos of her own. Marion hasn't decided what if anything he will be taking, but he might do a jar of wheat or something.
Fair 2012 is from July 19th - 23rd. I'll try to do an update post with as many photos as I can with the results of how everyone does!
Copyright © 2012 All Rights Reserved MMFarmlife - Melanie Schlatter