Half way through....
Nathan waiting for his turn riding with Daddy on the Combine. |
Can you believe it...June 12th and we are at least 1/2 way through with Harvest 2012. I believe I heard the Farmer say that we have about 3 days of cutting left (I might be off on that as we were talking at 10:30 last night and I was a bit sleepy).
This year has been so ODD. The Farmer actually took the combine out and did his first test cutting on MAY 30! ***I think he did this mostly just to say that he had actually cut wheat in May...but nonetheless...the fact that it was even slightly ready to cut was amazing*** If I remember correctly, he first tried the soybean wheat and it was at a 15 moisture on the 30th of MAY! They officially started cutting that field a few days later on June 1st I believe. It wasn't the best wheat we have, but it was ready!
Officially, I would say that Harvest started on June the 4th...but that is just me because that is when they started trying for every day! By June 6th, they were able to find enough dry wheat to harvest every day consecutively! So...you pick...June 4th or June 6th...either way...it is EARLY June!
New Combine. It is Bigger...It is Flexible...It is the Farmer's new toy :0) |
Since VBS was the last week when they really started cutting, we didn't get out to the field much that week. And then there was the recovery from VBS and stomach flu
in JUNE so today was the first day we actually got to the field to see Daddy cutting with the new combine. (I do think Nathan got to go to the field once previously with Grandpa and ride for a bit but no one else had.)
Loading up...the Boys have their lunches! |
Uncle Mark is here helping with the Harvest! We are so blessed to have him here as an extra person to help with moving, hauling, trucking, etc. Not to mention I think the Farmer enjoys having him ride combine with him from time to time - great brotherly bonding time!~ (I think Uncle Marvin would love to be here but since he works at a grain elevator...he's kinda tied up during harvest time! But we are blessed to have Uncle Marvin come to help with the cows...like when Jonny broke his leg....Uncle Marvin came to help Grandpa finish working them.) I can't say enough - though I know I don't say it as often as I should - how blessed we are to have a family that works together!
Here Unlce Mark is taking the loaded grain cart up the hill to Grandpa
who is waiting with the truck. |
Here are the traditional Daddy on the combine with the kids pictures. We can't have official harvest pictures without one of these...it has been neat to look back and see how these pictures have changed through the years. By the time Sarah is old enough, we just might have to start utilizing the stairs more to see everyone...LOL!
Had to get the 6088 in there to show the new combine.... |
Daddy was making them laugh about 'cheese'
I was waving at them trying to get Ethan to look at me! |
We left Nathan and Jonny with Daddy for a bit of riding/bonding time. They each packed a lunch and were so very excited to be 'harvesting like daddy'.
Nathan helping to shut the door! |
Off they go to cut some wheat!
Look at that massive header...I know they make bigger ones, but I'm just not used to it yet! |
Here they go..... |
After we watched them get off to a good start, Abi, Ethan and I went up the hill to see Grandpa and Uncle Mark. I got there
just after he stopped loading the truck. By the time I got stopped and focused, Uncle Mark was already putting the tarp on. Apparently this wheat is going to town instead of in the bins.
See Uncle Mark...way to the left! |
Here Uncle Mark and Grandpa are 'conferencing'. |
So...Harvest 2012 is quickly being completed and the Farmer said that the fields are doing much better than the first soybean wheat field. Amazingly, they are all averaging very close to the same yield...though he didn't tell me what that was so I can't say! But it must not be too bad as he is pleased with how things are going.
Now I'm off to take a nap while Ethan is sleeping, Abi is reading, and the boys are occupied...for those also harvesting...HAPPY HARVEST!
Copyright © 2012 All Rights Reserved MMFarmlife - Melanie Schlatter