Well, I didn't get very many pictures of this fourth of July and non of Jonny, but here are a few of the pics I did take...
These were actually taken a couple of days before the 4th because we didn't know what we were going to do for sure on the 4th.
Nathan and Daddy doing sparklers...Abi was too afraid of them - note she is hiding in the porch door!

This on focuses on the people instead of the sparklers.

Here are the kids with Daddy as I lit the fireworks in the driveway...they were all pretty small but we did have a few that went flying...I'll have to remember not to get them next year!

We ended up going to Osborne to the free BBQ and then over to some friends to watch the town fireworks and shoot of some local ones...however, I didn't manage to get any pics of these for some reason!