At first, entering Nathan was not an option because he was only riding a tricycle and not very well. But then a good friend gave us a new bike for Abi (one her daughter had outgrown) and with new training wheels, Abi was off and racing around the drive way. With Abi getting a new bike, that left her old one for Nathan. I got new training wheels for it too and after some adjustments, we were able to get him riding pretty good too.
The biggest problem the kids had was starting so I went out to the building and practiced with them. I had to show Abi how to lean her bike, get her petal in the right place and get a good shove off to get going. After a few practice runs, they were doing pretty good.
Finally, the big day came. The kids did great sitting patiently waiting for the kiddy parade to finish so the bike races could start. I was in charge of getting the kids lined up while Marion watched Jonny and waited with the other child not racing. This was a challenge because they raced back to back....Nathan in the 3's and Abi in the 4's (I thought she could have raced with the 5's but technically she was still 4).
I didn't get many pics because I was busy lining them up and then running to the other end to take the pics, then walking back to the beginning to line the next one was kinda crazy! Next year, we will put Marion at the finish line and I'll take pics from the back side!
Anyway, here are a couple of pics I did get, the first one is of Nathan's race, he is the fourth one is kinda hard to see him!
Here is Abi's heat...she is the was kinda funny because she had on a Nebraska t-shirt...we got some guff for that!