Sure enough...we all have a cold (cough, runny nose, congestion) but Jonathan's turned into croup. I am pretty sure Abi's is croupy too, but she didn't get to the strider level. In case you are not familiar with croup or strider - croup is a barking cough that when they inhale they sound like a seal - and this seal type noise is strider. Abi often gets the croupy cough but it has never progressed into the strider...Jonathan would get into striding when he cried and tried to breath in...he never really seemed to struggle breathing but would just make this weird noise until he calmed down. He also had a deep rattle in his chest and a hoarse sound in his throat.
The humidifiers help alot while the kids are sleeping but after three days of 101 & 102 temps with the strider, the doctor wanted to see him, so we went in this afternoon. Fortunately, the doctor felt it was a rather mild case and decided to give him a one time steroid dose - mostly because he felt it was getting better! But, we are to keep an eye on him and make sure he is drinking, wetting, and that the cough backs off now.
I just have to say, Praise God for His strength and stability...He has been carrying us through all these months and I am only now beginning to see how much so! It amazes me to think how easy it is to get our eyes fixated on the circumstances and the situations and become consumed by them. Fortunately, I am now endeavoring to learn the lesson so aptly shown me today of letting go and letting God be God.
In the verse I am endeavoring to seed into my heart right now it says: But this I recall and therefore have I hope and encouragement, It is because of the Lord's mercy and loving kindness that we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning, great and abundant is your stability and faithfulness. Lamentations 3:21-23