Instagram Feed

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Saturday, October 27, 2007

Baby Gender

Okay this is TOTALLY for fun! I was goofing off on the internet while I was waiting for the kids to get up from naps (I didn't want to get into another project as I anticipated they'd be up soon and we would be leaving). Anyway, I got to looking at the old wives tales about determining the sex of your unborn baby!

Did you know there is a 700 year old Chinese Calendar that is said to be 99% accurate in determining the sex of your baby! Some even use it to try to select the sex of their babies! I looked it up and tested it out with Abigail and Nathan, a few of the cousins, and my sister and I and of the 7 that I tried it was only wrong with one of them! AND if it is accurate it says we will be having a GIRL not a boy! Interesting huh?

I also looked at a few of the other wives tales too...all the ones that I tried or looked at indicated a girl over a boy! I called Marion and said maybe we should be looking at rethinking what we have been calling the baby! HAHAHAHA!

Here is the chart just for the fun of it...let me know if you back track it and what the proof is: