I cannot express how happy I will be to end the month of September...it seems that it went crazy and hasn't let up!
It is not that it has been a 'bad' month just very busy and with the recent illness and all...it seems to have gotten out of hand. We have had something every single week...and not just little things like Story Hour & preschool (though we did have those too)...things like the Women's Conference and the first MOPS meeting and a trip to Hastings and Marion's birthday! And this last weekend...Old Settler's Day.
I know...it has not been near as full as say Mark and Karla's month...if you haven't heard, they are moving to Salina! Now...that is a transition to fill a month! Throw into the mix that Karla is expecting the 9th Schlatter Cousin and you can see why my month has been nothing to theirs! Hopefully my October won't be as busy and I can get to Salina to help Karla unpack some...or at least say hi! Now all of our family will be within 3 hours of us (except for my dad).
I am also excited to be ending September because I get to go on a four day retreat by myself! Yep...no kids...just me and my scrapbooking! I can't even remember when I last scrapbooked...it had to have been before Jonathan was born at least...my goal for this weekend is to get Jonathan's book completely caught up to the present and if I have time, work on the family albums. I'll let you know when I get back how I did on that.
Well, the photos that I am uploading to print for the retreat are done, so I best be running!