Well, we got good news on Friday! All my blood work came back normal! I am most thankful for the thyroid results!
So now what do we do...well I have started taking Prilosec for reflux to see if that doesn't help the situation and we will see...I am supposed to take it for 2-3 weeks.
However, I am thinking that maybe it is more of an allergy thing because I didn't have any difficulties with it when I was in Scottsbluff and then the very next day that I got home, I was hoarse again.
I haven't really had allergies so I don't know for sure but we will keep on the course of Prilosec to rule that out and then we'll go from there.
Just wanted to let you all know since I had posted about that...OH>.and Nathan's belly button is great...it started responding after just 24 hours of antibiotic and it we haven't had any other problems since.