OKay...I know I'm strange but I am truly loving Mondays...or maybe it is more of loving the NEWness of Monday's.
Monday starts a new work week. A new chance to get things right. A new chance to start off on the right foot. A new opportunity to get the house in order. A new opportunity to get the laundry done. A new opportunity!
Maybe that is what I'm loving the most right now....new opportunities.
This morning I realized that no matter how wretched I feel, how badly I've messed up, or how awful things appear, God gives us new opportunities every day...every moment if we'll take them...His mercies are new every morning!
How amazing! I don't have to wallow in my pit of black sticky icky despair. I don't have to hold on to my sins and short comings. I CAN walk in newness every morning...every minute! But only because MY GOD is so gracious!
I'm not deserving, I'm not worthy, I'm not owed it. It is by GRACE...God's great goodness that overshadows my frailty.
The key... choosing to do so!
WOW...that hit me like a ton of bricks. The bottom line...I have to CHOOSE to accept it...walk in it...abide in CHRIST!
I can choose to wallow in my pit and focus on my wrong doings...OR I can choose to walk in His forgiveness, love, and grace. AMAZING the difference!
I'm not sure if any of this is making any sense to you all, but it has been hugely freeing to me today!
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