Instagram Feed

Since most of my updating is done via Instagram these days I thought I'd add a section that links to my feed. Click on any of the pictures to get an enlarged version. I hope you enjoy the pics:

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Natural Instincts

Okay, I just HAVE to share this...

The boys were waiting for daddy to finish doing chores so that they could go with him to haul corn to town while Abi and I went to my doctor's appointment. (Grandma Schlatter was going to watch them, but she got the bug that we had just been fighting and didn't want to re-expose us-thanks Grandma!)

Anyway, I was sitting in the living room recouping after moving the car seats around and what to my surprise were the boys doing: hunting pheasants!

Yep, they have never been on a hunting trip nor have they ever seen Daddy hunt anything but there they were! They would both hop on the couch facing the side and make motor sounds like they were driving, then they'd reach their destination, hop out, get their 'guns' (the stick horses turned backwards), and proceed to find a stuffed animal to shoot! Once a stuffed animal was located, they'd make gun sounds, pick it up, haul it to the 'back' of their truck, put their guns in and hop in to 'drive' to their next destination!

How crazy is that! By the way...they are very good hunters...they got a pheasant EVERY time!

And since I don't want to leave the cute things Abi does out, when we were in town eating lunch after the doctor's appointment, I made some comment about us having a girl's day out and how it had been a long time since we had done that! Abi cutely remarked "I have the rememory of when we painted my nails." We then embarked on a discussion of other 'rememories' she had of us doing things just the two of us! Don't you love those REMEMORIES!