Instagram Feed

Since most of my updating is done via Instagram these days I thought I'd add a section that links to my feed. Click on any of the pictures to get an enlarged version. I hope you enjoy the pics:

Thursday, October 06, 2011

Playing at Grandma's

Here are some pictures of the kids playing at Grandma Schlatter's.  

Grandma had a project she wanted my help on so we let the kids roam outside while I worked with her (all but E that is).  But before we got busy we snapped a few shots of them playing:

swinging & climbing
E just would NOT use the stairs, he wanted to climb up the slide.

Grandma comforting Chelsea after E said a rather 'rowdy' hello!

Grandma trying to get E to use the ladder!

Sharing for a split second before disagreeing and getting off.

Nathan showing us his monkey impression.
Note:  Abigail joined him right after this cuz she didn't want to be left out.

loving the baby swing!
Thanks for all the fun Grandma!

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